
Awesome Life Drawing Resource

Today I discovered a wonderful resource for practicing life drawing, warming-up before getting into a project, of even studying different animals. (Thank you Gerald_Chong for the links!)

Seriously, check it out! You decide how long you want a picture to remain on screen before going to a new one 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 2 minutes, 10 minutes...there are lots of options. I am totally in love with it and I think you will be too (if you like to draw and improve that is).

Humans: http://pixelovely.com/tools/gesture.html
(warning: there are nude images)

Animals: http://pixelovely.com/tools/animalgesture.html

Here are some of the sketches I did from these sites. I tried 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds, and 2 minutes. 30 seconds was my favorite overall, but when I came to a great pose or picture I wished I had it on the 2 minute setting.

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