
Medical Illustrations

Well, these are a little more animated than most medical illustrations, but I was told the class enjoyed them! I did them as a tiny favor for the wonderful generous mother of my boyfriend. She is a nursing teacher at the college here and wanted specific images for her powerpoint presentation that she would present the next day (which was today!). It was kind of exciting to get a request that I only had less than 24 hours to complete.

The request was for an elderly man and an elderly woman with specific organs and body systems illustrated.


My eyelids are heavy

I'm sitting at CSI (College of Southern Idaho) waiting for Dust to get out of class and trying to doodle but getting very droopy eyed. I noticed I sketched my hand haphazardly and decided I wanted to post it! It is in no way a spectacular feat of the arts and the thumbnail isn't right, but I want to update the blog and no one can stop me! Muahaha. Enjoy my chubby hand. It appreciates your time. :)


Commish #2

Phew! I can't believe I got this done! By some amazing miracle my computer decided to not die after being turned on. I think leaving it alone for a month really helps it. I'm not sure what the problem is, but as long as I don't use it much it's ok...I think.

Anyway, this is my second commission since graduating and...I never want to work the tight again! I hope to enjoy a much looser style in the days to come. Sketchy inking and colors outside of the lines. Yeeaaaah!
The poster is not official yet, so I may have to change some stuff before they print it, but I figured I'd post it in celebration of its unofficial completeness. Yay! (I hope the College of Southern Idaho people like it)


Big Love

Phew! Sometimes I bite off more than I think I can chew, but luckily I have a strong pair of chompers. Over the weekend I found myself rushing to finish a huge project I agreed to months ago for a church's winter youth camp taking place in less than a week. After weeks of email tag and frustrating space "situations", I found myself at the end of the deadline and pressed for time. While there are a few things I would change about the first painting, I like how they both turned out overall. I've never taken on a project quite this big and am really proud of myself for getting it done in time like I promised. Each painting is done in acrylic on 6.5'x11' pieces of black fabric. Each one is taller than I am!


Ok, I guess I'm better off than I thought

At the time of my last blog entry, I thought things were pretty tough; no reliable computer to work on, no job, money doing disappearing tricks.
Turns out, none of that is really too bad! Ok, disappearing money and no steady income is a little scaaaaaary, sure, but it is no tragedy. I have been blessed with two freelance projects that will hopefully work out and get me through another couple months.

So yeah, things are pretty darn nice. Not having a computer of my own has actually been a bit freeing! I haven't painted with real water and paint in forever. To be honest, I have never enjoyed traditional painting...mostly because I was always really bad at it...but something has changed. Without a computer I was finally able to sit down with paints and just play. I finally understand my illustration professor's advice and passion for the darn stuff. FINALLY! Yeah, I'm pretty excited about it. I feel kinda lame for never trying while I was in his class. Oh well!

But yeah...I'm an acrylics noob so my work is pretty basic, but I like it. I think I want to illustrate a children's book about snow...maybe the next Christmas Classic! WOoHOo!