
Wonders of the Universe

The other day I contacted a children's book publishing company for the first time to inquire about employment. I was super excited to hear back from them even though I knew my portfolio didn't exactly portray "illustrations of kids." I love that some publishers let you contact them through email because you get such a quick response...but I almost think I would have spent more time refining my portfolio to the specific market if I knew I'd have to wait forever to hear back. Wouldn't want to waste all that time wondering on an iffy portfolio!

Needless to say, they don't require my services and put me down gently. Either way, it was super exciting to finally get guts enough to contact someone about work and I can't wait to get a proper portfolio together for books and whatnot. My computer still dies randomly so that discourages me a bit, but I'm going to have to get on the ball VERY soon. Like now.

Ok...I got on the ball and this is what I did. It's not done but I'm tired. Malamute puppy and universe.

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