
Archangel Michael

I've been thinking I should try another time lapse video before my free trial expires, so last night I did! It made me really sad because it didn't seem to record the last half of the drawing (which was my favorite part), but what can you do?

Here's a link to the video if you'd like to have a look:


Seems like there is much more I could do to the drawing but I need to learn when to stop as well, so I stopped (plus it was 4 something in the a.m. and I just couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, hehe). I guess I ended up going for an old fresco kind of look.


Doug said...

This is awesome. You're last two posts have been the best so far. I found your blog through Tony Montano's. He took Seiler's caricature class as did I. Keep it up.

Holly said...

Thank you, Doug! I have been working really hard to improve my work and really appreciate you taking notice. :)