
It's been a while

I haven't really been able to stick with a single idea or concept for an illustration in a long time it seems. I'm always second-guessing my original concept and trying figure out a better, cooooooler idea while ultimately failing at creating anything at all. What a bummer that has been.

Anyway, my boyfriend gave me a really awesome piece of advice tonight that I should probably get tattooed to my hand so I always see it when I pick up a pencil.
"K-I-S-S" - Keep It Simple, Stupid! Haha. Brilliant! That little phrase totally smacked me upside the common sense lobe of my brain, wherever it may be...and worked wonders. Dustin helped me pick one of two projects I was torn between and I got right to it.

There is still much work to go, but I figured I'd post the progress, mostly to document my progress for later reference (and giggles i suppose). It's crazy to see progress...especially when you think it's awesome in the first stage and then realize it was CRAP in the first stage once you get to the third stage lol.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks good! I agree, sometimes less is more and staying simple works :)